Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Impressions

So I'm adding the memories I recalled of Adam's early years for his 40th. How about one a day so as not to overwhelm? There are a couple he asked me not to post because of internet privacy, but I can email those to family, if interested. Just send me a request. Here goes:

As soon as you were born, I was taken with your olive coloring, fine features and crown of black hair. Can a boy be beautiful? Well you were. And equally disarming was your serene personality. Your big eyes took everything in, swallowed whole, with equanimity. Sometime along the way later that disposition changed a bit. And eventually you trained me to give in to your whims earlier rather than avoid the sensational drama you could create. But as a little baby, you and I seemed oblivious to what was to come, and we took long serene walks with 1 year old Afton for hours in the German countryside and villages we lived in, till we moved back to the States that Spring. Off to a great start!

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