Monday, December 13, 2010

Makes Me Smile...Again

My favorite happy memory of you was the winter when you were likely 3. Our first house had a big hill in the backyard and, one day when it was covered in snow, I took you guys out there on a sled for a brief white interlude. It was fun, exhilarating, but after awhile I was winded from pulling the sled and you guys uphill, and we headed in. Except for you, you stayed at the bottom of the hill and, with a dazzling smile, said, "One more time!" No way to say no to that, so I obliged. You were in heaven on your way down, laughing all the way. And then you said in the same irresistible way, "One more time!" I was captive, regardless of how tired I was. To see someone that thrilled and delighted was a payoff beyond measure. But somehow, each time you said those three magic words, I thought you literally meant "just one more time". Then after many, many, many repeats, I was close enough to catch you at the bottom of the hill on your latest run and hear you say, "One more time!" And then so softly under your breath I barely heard, "again and again and again." Freezing, exhausted, but how I LOVED THAT DAY! Wish you could have lots of highs like that the rest of your life....

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