Sunday, December 12, 2010

Body Art

Then there was the time, probably around 2 years old, when the idea occurred to you to take things to the next level by enhancing your body... with stamps. Well sure. Where did that come from? Had you heard about green stamp redemption deals? Were you sending yourself through the mail? Or were you a tattoo wannabe? Who knows? But when I saw you had stripped all your clothes off and covered every inch, and yes, I do mean EVERY inch, of your oh so soft tender skin with stamps that you had licked and pasted on, I tried to stop laughing long enough to take a picture. Miraculously, I managed. You were all smiles and proud of yourself at the time. Me? Figured I could blackmail you 10 or 20 years down the road. Now if only I could find that darn photo....

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