Monday, October 12, 2009

Afton---A River Runs Through It

Seeing as we had to lock ourselves into our apartment for our first weekend in Europe, we were unaware that we lived only a block away from the fabled Blue Danube River. Not being on top of my geography, I hadn't realized that as an actual place, but as the setting for the waltz, "The Blue Danube" by Johann Strauss.

Unfortunately, there was considerable stress while we were cloistered with our little charge. Santa Maria's parents evidently bought separate but equal supplies for her, and neither of them would relinquish one diaper or can of formula to us, so I had taken to trying to nurse both of you. Dad hadn't gotten around to buying the things I had requested him to have on hand before our arrival, and the Army hadn't delivered our belongings from the States yet(that would have been our clothes, our pots, pans, dishes, etc.) The place was furnished, and he had bought some sheets. And a cake. We had cake.

It seemed strange to have being stranded as our first experience. We couldn't really leave the apartment. Who knew when those crazy parents might attack? And Dad wouldn't leave me alone, just in case. So it seemed like quite a long weekend, all and all.

But Monday came. And so did Heidi. I gave her little girl back, and took mine into the base at Neu Ulm to her first Dr. appointment. After some much needed reassurance that we hadn't yet caused you any permanent damage, we returned and began to explore our new surroundings.

What a thrill to find the lovely and famous river so close by. You yourself had been named for a beautiful river. It seemed like a good omen. Finally!

I'd loved "The Blue Danube Waltlz" by Strauss ever since I was a little girl.  And here I was now with my little girl. Let's dance!

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