Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's The Little Things

You were pretty grown up in a lot of ways. One evening, our home teacher came over while Dad and I were out. When he got there, he was so impressed that you knew exactly what to do with no prompting. You called all the kids together for prayer, and conducted an impromptu meeting so he could share his message. Evidently, he found that remarkable. Guess we show our real stuff when we don't expect to, and in often in the daily details of life. Not always on the football field with 3 seconds left on the clock. He was a former Bishop, and he knew a lot about what people were truly like and how families worked. You really touched a nerve in him somehow; he likely had seen a lot of just about everything.

At High Priests Meeting that Sunday with tears in his eyes, he shared how moved he was by the gentle and strong leadership you had shown when he appeared like that out of the blue. You made our family look really good when you stepped up to the plate like that. And he thought you were really mature and capable, rather remarkable. I think that was reflected in the new respect Dad had for you then.

Because you and Afton were so responsible, Dad and I got to where we would wake up really early on Saturdays to run down to the Temple in Seattle and do a session and then get back in time to bring you donuts for breakfast. It was nice to be able to not worry and trust all was well because of you guys. Guess I owe you.

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