Saturday, December 20, 2008

Encinitas Chills


The weather turned this week, and rear ended my plans to go to San Diego---  FAIR!
But the Batmobile (Wayne) left without me Thursday after I had listened to Afton tell me about the day they huddled in the house shivering with the cold (the power was knocked out). She totally confirmed my yellow spine status when she told me that she and Maddy and the dogs had then spent Wednesday night "sleeping" in the car until the power company came at 3 am and checked out a suspected gas leak. This was followed the next morning by a timely ant invasion (the one thing I DON'T miss!)

Oh, not that I can't take a deep chill once in a while (I refused to put on a coat all winter, record snowfall and all, when we moved to Flagstaff, being so in love with the snow after 20 years in Southern California); it's just that my wake up time is now closer to 1 am. So I'm pressed to think how getting up on crutches in the wee hours in a car( without waking those neurotic LOUD chihuahuas) to go find a spot in the yard to pee would be a viable enterprise in LaCosta, should the bad luck scenarios there continue this week. So to spare my CA relations any untoward drama, I'm waiting till the thaw; January has always been my favorite month in San Diego anyway. (And the ants are hereby on official notice to clear out.)

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