Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Such a deal!

This afternoon I was babysitting 3 year old Brooklyn.  I went outside to soak up some beautiful sun and she followed me and spent the next half hour entertaining me by jumping over a dozen basketballs on the in ground trampoline. It was a transfixing moment, and it took me back to when my kids were little and we had moved to California. My sunning moments then were spent hanging laundry outside (8-12 loads every day except Sunday) in a valiant effort to save the earth from the ozone layer.   I was committed  to single handedly preserving the earth in a more pristine state it for my kids and grandkids. This I did for 11 years, and I could see Brooklyn was now benefiting mightily from my noble sacrifices. There were silver linings at the time though--- ever smell laundry fresh off the line from the out of doors? In Germany, I always hung laundry outside even in the frozen winter.  It still smelled amazing!

Then I recalled how leaving stained clothes outside for a couple of days in the sun almost always magically did away with any stubborn stain, and everything was sanitized. Eureka!! That was it! The key to my stubborn-wound-not-healing dilemma. Let it bake in the sun! But I needed to wait for Willow to come home to unwrap my pathetic foot. 

You'd understand if you ever had gotten on her bad side. She's pretty much my keeper now. Luckily, she was very supportive when she got back. Even Wayne piped in with a blurb about the movie "The Other Side of Heaven" where rats got in and munched the missionary's foot, resulting in a disgusting infection. The natives, I guess, tied his leg up to a tree and left him out in the tropical sun for days or weeks, and it worked---  the infection right out. Totally inspired, we got up to start for the backyard and saw the sun was all gone from the backyard. So Willow suggested taking the couch from the garage (they had tried to sell on the weekend during the neighborhood garage sale) and catching the rays in the front yard.

Seemed pretty white trash to me, but what the heck? We are nothing if not white trash through and through. So I was situated on half the sectional couch next to the trash cans. One neighbor drove by and stopped to chat, but no serious offers. Before bringing me in, they told Karsen to go down the block to see if the little boy who tried to buy the couch for 8 bucks on the weekend would take it now (with me on it) for that price. Guess they're ready to deal. Evidently he wasn't. So looks like I may well be out there again when the garbage men come tomorrow... please pray for sun in the backyard! Thanks!!!

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