Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pay It Forward

Shopping on Black Friday? Never been tempted to that level of crazy.  But two of my daughters went out at 4:30 am on Black Friday while I stayed home with the guys, and kids (thanks, awesome son-in-laws!). When they returned 8 or 9 hours later, I guess the stash was incredible. But what rocked my world was how they ambushed Kai, their 10 year old nephew, and showered him with dozens of the coolest clothes ever. Undemonstrative, quiet, reserved oldest grandson put on a fashion show for us that seemed to never quit. Just like the spirit of these generous girls. I was so touched and so went into the bathroom to cry in private, when Willow came in and I feebly tried to express my appreciation. "Mom", she said, "Treesje had such fun doing this for Mattie this summer when she flew her up to Utah. We remember when Aunt Jan did this for us when we were young. And Aunt Dianne."

Whoa, I really lost it then. Before we could even get to Aunt Cindy and how she and Mom have spoiled the grandkids since forever. What DNA!!! I rejoice that the spirit of generosity lives on; I am so grateful for my beautiful and unassuming sisters who have inspired this in my children, and who are still there for me in every way as my life has become increasingly challenging. Mom, you must have done something very right! Genuine, enduring Thanksgiving in my heart.

I had my nose in the air---I thought Black Friday was all about materialism and greed. Not worthy of my attention. HA. Thanks, Treesje & Willow, for showing me, once again, life is all about what you make it. How I love you!


sydney said...

seriously your sisters and mother have been great examples to us in so many ways. I hope I can grow up to be just like them! Thanks Jan, Cindy and Diane and of course Grandma! I love you all and appreciate you!

sydney said...

that was me willow whoe wrote the previous comment, I guess I am signed in under sydney! oops

Kelli said...

Alright..... Now I'm crying. ..By myself -- it's a bit boring. I miss our 'cry fest' in the bathroom . It was very liberating!