Sunday, May 31, 2009


Seldom do I go to movies, but when I do, with few exceptions, I almost unerringly end up at the lamest ones ever, most recently "Angels and Demons".  A few days prior, there was something so overwhelmingly banal Willow picked for me to take her to on her birthday--- "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past".  Eeewwww....  Guess if you can't do anything else, you write movie scripts.  So I would need no excuse whatsoever should I feel the urge in the middle of one of these insipid displays to go to the Ladies' Room.  And I would feel no pressure to return to my seat (theater) any time soon even though I had paid to see such drivel.  However, in case that's a problem for someone at sometime in some better movie, here's a miracle---  A place which will coach you as to the optimal time to take that necessary bathroom break during any movie so as not to miss the best parts therein.  Pretty much bathroom humor is overrated, I think.  This may be that one exception.  Here's to mind over bladder!

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