Monday, July 11, 2011

31 Flavors "Icing On The Cake" (HAPPY BIRTHDAY JORDAN!)

In honor of your 31st birthday, Jordan, I'm going through 31 flavors I can associate with you for the next 31 days.  (Cheers to Baskins Robbins for their inspiration in creating all these flavors, and jeers to them for not making it so I can copy the pix of their cones on their website and use them here.)  If you want a cone a day, guess it will have to be a real one, so call me.  Today the ice cream flavor is "Icing On The Cake", because we thought that's exactly what you were for our happy family. 

With 3 sisters, you stepped in as the 3rd brother and  spent a lifetime being schooled in their antics and shenanigans, and you came up with many of your own along the way.  But you started as a cute little innocent and we couldn't get enough of you.  And you were safe and sound that very first day, while you were still in the hospital.  And then we got our hands on you....

With a 7/11 birthday, wouldn't you figure a guy was just born lucky?  But it was us who thought we were the lucky ones 31 YEARS AGO TODAY when such a  handsome little dude arrived on our doorstep.

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