Thursday, May 5, 2011


Just. an. ordinary. day. Wednesday. Dr.'s day off back then. Think the baby was due on the 10th. But on Wednesday, the fifth of May, I woke up feeling a little different than ever before, and for the first time in my life was "leaking", so to speak. TMI?  When I called the Dr.'s office, the nurse said to come in and she would check me out before sending me to the hospital. Obliging me, I drove right over. Between contractions.

Whoops, must not have been contractions. Perhaps something I ate? With a smug, patronizing smile on her impudent young face, Miss WhynoIhavenothadanykidsyet assured me that indeed my water had not broken and I wasn't in labor at all, but had just reached that age and point where I was no longer in control of my bodily functions. After all, this was my fourth shot at childbirth, what did I expect? As she turned to make the call to arrange for me to enter the Nursing Home, I hung my head in shame, stood up and crossed my legs as I kind of did a scissor step out of the office. The intermittent agony I felt the rest of that day, I would categorically dismiss, after first scolding myself for being deluded enough to even dare imagine I was actually having any pain at all. Late that afternoon I sat on a dining room chair, paralyzed by figment-of-my-imagination #10 pain, yes, but more so by denial. 

Then my husband came home. He was bigger than I was, and determined a hospital trip was in order. Now. Still, I wouldn't leave until my 3 little ones were under someone's protective wing. And there was the rub. Failsafe failed.

When it was time for baby #4 to be born, I was experienced enough to TRY to plan ahead. Things hadn't worked out the last two times we were stork blessed for anyone other than us and the stork to have been a lot of help, but this time was going to be different. I may be slow, but I had learned.

Plans are plans and then there's life. So I had backup Plans A-Q. Plan A=my Mom would fly out from Chicago once I went into labor. Life=unexpected hysterectomy, no go. Plan B=my Aunt Joyce was flying out from O'Hare. Life=my 90 year old Grandma, who lived with Joyce, had a heart attack, was hospitalized, looked like the end was near. Plan C&D=two of my nieces across town were available and eager. Life=they were available any other time (Church activity conflict, I think). Plan E&F=the neighbor's two teen age girls, who had babysat for us before and were on alert. Life=they were either out of town or kidnapped by a gang of nefarious mountain goats. Plan G-not a plan, just a desperate last minute call to a babysitter I had planned to never see again (she had ignored my instructions previously of keeping kids confined to the fenced backyard.  Result: Afton was mauled by a vicious German Shephard).  Life=her mom refused to let her come as they were leaving on vacation in the morning.

I think there may well have been much more alphabet soup in those plans, but it was 30+ years ago, right, and who's counting? Anyway, you get the idea. When the pains got to under two minutes apart, I finally capitulated and called the good old Relief Society President who came over and got me in the car before she would have had to cut the umbilical cord. Later she had her teen age son and daughter, Jenner & Gina Marcucci, come over for the balance of the time till Dad could return home later that night.  Phew!

But the point is we finally got to Swedish Medical Center in time anyway! Actually awaiting her debut in the labor & delivery room, I started on a runaway monologue, chattering away like my tongue had finally been loosed after a marathon accruing pent up verbs and nouns instead of miles. It was embarrassing but I was on a roll. Maybe that's where Willow's facile gift with non-stop verbal prowess had its roots.

I don't remember many of the other details, just being stunned by the beauty of that serene, delicate little face when she appeared, and falling head over heels in love with that flash of miracle that would change out lives. Our own Cinco de Mayo princess! (She hates that, which is why I go out of my way to mention it. Someday when she closely examines the fine print on her birth certificate, she'll see her real middle name is Maria. Yes! When her cousin Kris stole Willow's original middle name, Adair, we had to put something in the empty space on her birth certificate and it began to confuse her. Kris is already confused because she used to be Heather, but that's another story; everyone's crazy in this family).

At any rate Willow is not officially a Cinco de Mayo kind of name. Unless. Unless you translate it. Then you have "También". You know, that might not be so bad. An extra syllable, yes, but it kinda flows. Seeing as I was adamant in refusing to let anyone dare to nickname her, because I thought "Willow" was beautiful in and of itself, I never delved into alternatives. After all "Will" just seems so masculine for a pretty little girl, and "Low"...I mean what kind of a nickname is that? Nowadays her husband calls her "Will" and it always makes me cringe, like she's another buddy on his basketball team or something, you know. Maybe one of these days I'll spike his punch and whisper changes in his ear, "Tam" or "Tammy". Sounds more feminine, don't you think? Course this little angel grew up to be all girl and I s'pose you could call her "Bill" or "Tommy" or "Late For Dinner" and it wouldn't matter. May even works well to point out the contrast, like in Johnny Cash's song, "A Boy Named Sue". Whatever. Personally, I love the name. Willow. Personally, I love the girl. Willow.

The rest of the story hits on manifest destiny as well. Because we loved the name as soon as we first heard it. As newlyweds we moved into our first apartment in Seattle next door to a stunning couple, Sherry & Mike Kampros, who had a beautiful tiny newborn, Willow. So when we were expecting our first child a few months later, Willow was our hands down name of choice if we were to have a girl. Enter two very opinionated mothers, his and mine. Guess we lacked the courage to override the naysayers and so we lost out on Willow and it took a few more years and a few more pregnancies till we developed enough backbone to do what we wanted and name our own kids. So we got our Willow. Finally. And the interesting thing is how it worked out with her birth and personality according to the Celtic tree horoscope profile. What with her name being that of one of my all time favorite trees, check out the following for May 5 and see if you don't think it's appropriate.
According to ancient Celtic lore, there is a magical tree associated with each month of the year. Find out which one is your helper and learn valuable information about your personality from the wisdom of the trees–including the planet and gemstone associated with your Celtic tree horoscope.*

December 24 – January 20: BIRCH
Planet: The Sun
Gemstone: Rock Crystal
Birch people tend to be hard-working and ambitious, with strong leadership qualities. You are generally loyal and faithful, although you may tend to hide your feelings.

January 21 – February 17: ROWAN
Planet: Uranus
Gemstone: Peridot
Rowans tend to be idealistic and original, a free-thinker filled with the fire of idealism. You are probably unconventional, artistic, and ahead of your time, imaginative and humanitarian in your outlook.

February 18 – March 17: ASH
Planet: Neptune
Gemstone: Coral
Ash people are good communicators, witty and spontaneous, and generally curious about life.

March 18-April 14: ALDER
Planet: Mars
Gemstone: Ruby
Alders are filled with courage and affection, loyalty and determination. Your energy is considerable, you enjoy physicality, and love to play.

April 15 – May 12:WILLOW
Planet: The Moon
Gemstone: Moonstone
Willows tend to be in touch with their emotions, intuitive, and adaptable. Underneath the appearance of hesitance, willows possess great flexibility and inner strength, along with a strong will.

May 13 – June 9: HAWTHORN
Planet: Vulcan
Gemstone: Topaz
Hawthorns are spontaneous and sometimes impatient, possessing great confidence, creativity, and charm.

June 10 – July 7: OAK
Planet: Jupiter
Gemstone: Diamond
Oaks tend to be self-confident and responsible, optimistic and proud, with ample charisma and a strong philosophical streak.

July 8 – August 4: HOLLY
Planet: Earth
Gemstone: Red Carnelian
Holly people are cautious and practical, reasonable and filled with personal integrity, sensitive and protective.

August 5 – September 1: HAZEL
Planet: Mercury
Gemstone: Amethyst
Hazels are very perceptive, idealistic, and artistic. Wisdom and creativity are especially important to hazel people.

September 2 – September 29: VINE
Planet: Venus
Gemstone: Emerald
Vine folks are very sensitive and self-critical, gentle and romantic. You can be quite authoritative, and harmony is of great importance to you.

September 30 – October 27: IVY
Planet: The Moon
Gemstone: Opal
Ivy people are social and loyal to their friends, kindly but sometimes restless, and, although appearing hesitant, actually very strong.

October 28 – November 24: REED
Planet: Pluto
Gemstone: Jasper
Reeds tend to be fearless and stubborn, uncompromising and independent, imaginative, loyal, and sometimes jealous.

November 25 – December 23: ELDER
Planet: Saturn
Gemstone: Jet
Elders are energetic, self-disciplined, although disliking routine, open, spontaneous, and self-sufficient.

(*Inspired by The White Goddess and other works by Robert Graves.)

What do you think? Doesn't that just nail it? Meant to be?
Happy Birthday, Princess Cinco de Mayo! May all your piñatas be full and the papier-mâché muchas weak. From one adoring Gringo.

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