Monday, January 10, 2011

The Good Old Days

You had a pretty good life there in that cool little beach town. Good friends like Chip, Gavin, and I forget. And a wonderful 6th grade teacher, I forget. Middle School wasn't bad either. Great grades, busy with sports, Church activities. Life seemed good. Then there were those times.... Remember when you were 14? and Dad stepped in to be your Soccer Coach because no one else would, and he really didn't know the sport at all? That was tough on both of you.

Even before that you were playing some basketball at Oak Crest and I was so proud of how good you were. I remember at one game Chip's folks were telling us what a gifted athlete you were, and what a great all around kid. "Except for his temper, he's perfect", I said. Jerry & Jan looked at me. "If he had a temper problem", Jerry corrected, "he'd be losing it down there on the court like some of those other jokers who explode when the pressure's on or something happens. If he can control when and where he blows up, that's not really a problem." I was rightly humbled about my judging. Guess we all could learn from that.

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